6 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns Picture Gallery

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If you didn't join the Cooking Festival...

Meet the Oracle

WTF Alisa

Ina's Adultery


The Jealous Oracle

Reina's Final Heart Event

Nori's Final Heart Event




A Nori Heart Event

I Have A Blue Feather

Oracle's Harmony Gift

Obsessed with Pandas

Georgia's Diet

Gombe's Reaction to Blue Feather

Georgia's Accent

Georgia's Final Heart Event

What a reward

Starry Night with Laney

Raul's Love Life

Meet the Botanist

Oracle's obsession with Wool

Mako got kicked in the Nuts

Laney Hate Bats

Oracle Hates Waterfall

Howard's Joke

Oracle does not have all the ingredients

Asshole Boyfriend

Reina's Jealousy

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